Opening of tenders10/02/2025
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Systematic registration services of real estate in the Integrated Cadastre and Land Registry System through the National Cadastre and Land Registry Program in Branesti Commune, Ilfov County - stage II Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The services of systematic registration of real estate in the Integrated System of Cadastre and Land Registry are carried out through the National Program of Cadastre and Land Registry in Branesti commune, Ilfov county. Sectorization of UAT Branesti, on the basis of which the services of systematic registration of buildings will be provided, is provided by the beneficiary, being established in agreement with ANCPI through OCPI Ilfov. Currently, in most of Branesti ATU, the cadastral sectors are completed and tabulated. The estimated number of buildings to be built, at this date, is about 4.4494, as follows: • Sector 4: 2000 buildings; • Sector 11: 1800 buildings; • Sector 16: 600 buildings; • Sector 2: 1 monastery; • Sector 9: 1 forest; • Sector 14: 1 forest; • Sector 5: 1 forest; • Sector 7: 1 forest; • Sector 8: 1 forest; • Sector 0: 44 buildings; • Balta: 7; • I.C. Bratianu – DN: 9 buildings; • Slt. Petre Ionel – DJ: 25 buildings; • Highway: 1 building; • CFR: 2 buildings. The method of handing over the documents to the OCPI will be based on the sectors described in the Branesti ATU sector, the services to be provided based on the starting orders where the numbers of the sectors for which the services of systematic registration of the buildings will be provided will be specified. The deadline for handing over the related documents to the OCPI will be, in the first 12 months, at least 50% of the area of the ATU, from the issuance of the starting order, and in the next 12 months the entire area of the ATU will be completed. On the territory of the ATU there are countless litigations, in the newly created urban area, representing real overlaps between the property boundaries, as well as the litigation with ANPA for the Valea Pasarea watercourse and the litigation with Romsilva for the water station. Within the radius of the Branesti ATU , there are 22 parcel plans. At the same time, we inform you that in the vineyard area, the parcel plans are not finalized, the vineyards having an area of about 130 ha of which each owner owns about 500 sqm. The obligation of the provider is to measure each vine culture separately and to take into account the ownership documents, so that the property limit of the cadastre respects the crop on the ground, in order to avoid further litigation. The specifications provided by the contracting authority shall be complied with. The service delivery schedule is maximum 24 months. Deadlines for submission/reply to requests for clarifications/additional information: A. In accordance with Article 160(1) of Law No 98/2016 on public procurement, as amended, the deadline by which any interested economic operator has the right to request clarifications or additional information in relation to the tender documentation is no more than 4 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. B. In accordance with Article 160(2) of Law No 98/2016 on public procurement, as amended, the contracting authority will respond clearly and completely to all requests for clarification/additional information on the 11th day before the deadline set for the submission of tenders. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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