Opening of tenders04/02/2025
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Drafting of Basic and Execution Projects, Installation Projects, ...as well as the complementary to the works contract related to the integral optional Management , the coordination of safety and health, waste management, quality control, the final certification of the works ... according to PPT and PCAP Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
As described in the Administrative Clauses and Special Clauses Specifications Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: Mejor oferta econĆ³mica.
Weight (percentage, exact): 25
Type: quality
Description: PuntuaciĆ³n de las ofertas (calidad de la prestaciĆ³n) mediante fĆ³rmulas . Criterios cuantificables.
Weight (percentage, exact): 10
Type: quality
Description: Criterios cuya ponderaciĆ³n dependa de un juicio de valor (calidad de la prestaciĆ³n).
Weight (percentage, exact): 65
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