- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
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Studies relating to the revision of the Natural Risk Prevention Plans for the Ariège and Hers-Vif risk basin Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The services covered by this contract concern, for the 16 municipalities located in the Ariège basins: ➔ on the one hand to update knowledge of the hazards of flooding and ground movement; ➔ on the other hand to develop or, if necessary, revise the Prevention Plans for Predictable Natural Risks (river overflows and land movements). Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
79430000 - Crisis management services
90710000 - Environmental management CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
90700000 - Environmental services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
90000000 - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
79300000 - Market and economic research; polling and statistics CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: quality
Description: Pertinence de la méthodologie proposée pour la réalisation de l'étude : - Méthode, temps passés, outils, animation : 20 points - Analyse préalable : 30 points - Étude d'aléa : 30 points - Enjeux (uniquement lot 1) : 15 points - Zonage (uniquement lot 1) : 5 points Composition de l'équipe pluridisciplinaire chargée de l'étude Qualité des références présentées sur un territoire équivalent Correspond à 60% de la notation
Weight (percentage, exact):
Type: price
Description: X = [P+bas/Poffre] x 40 avec P+bas = Montant de l'offre la plus basse Poffre = Montant de l'offre considérée Correspond à 40% de la notation
Weight (percentage, exact):
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