Opening of tenders08/01/2025
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Transport and treatment of garden and park waste for Vejen Municipality Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Vejen Municipality offers its needs for transport, handling and treatment of garden and park waste from Vejen Municipality's recycling centers in Rødding, Brørup and Vejen. The garden and park waste consists of branch waste from pruning and felling, trunks and roots, other plant waste such as foliage, weeds, fallow fruit, perennial and vegetable tops, grass and flower clippings, etc. Applicable to Vejen and Brørup recycling sites, the winning bidder must collect, handle and treat garden and park waste at approved reception and treatment facilities. Especially for the recycling centre in Rødding, garden and park waste must undergo a composting process at the recycling centre, for which the winning bidder is responsible. This means that the winning bidder must break down / crush, print run in miler, continuous turning of miler and subsequent sorting. Handling and transport of sieves from composting as well as roots and shocks shall be carried out by the winning bidder to an approved reception facility. The contracting authority also offers an option for the transport, handling and treatment of garden and park waste from Rødding recycling centre. The successful tenderer must provide all necessary equipment for the performance of the contract. In addition, the tenderer has both financial and practical responsibility for the further handling, including sorting, shredding, treatment and possibly disposal of garden and park waste, roots and encounters with the reception facilities used by the winning tenderer. Garden and park waste from major municipal remediation or construction projects in Vejen Municipality is not part of this tender, as these tasks are carried out by the Contracting Authority itself. Vejen Municipality receives the following estimated amounts of garden and park waste Brørup Recycling Site: approx. 2,300 tonnes per year Vejen Recycling site: approx. 2,800 tonnes per year Rødding Recycling site: Approximately 2,400 tonnes per year The quantities indicated are indicative and based on historical figures, so they cannot be taken as an indication of a guaranteed future turnover. The tenderer must accept that deviations of +/- 30 % may occur annually. The monthly fluctuations may be larger, and are dependent on the weather, among other things. The contracting authority's maximum quantity for the framework agreement will be +30% of the total quantity for the framework agreement period. The contracting entities have decided not to divide the procurement into separate lots. This decision is based on an economic assessment which indicates that a comprehensive framework agreement could secure more advantageous prices. In addition, it is considered that an overall agreement will be the best solution to maintain quality and coherence in the overall task. From a market perspective, it is also considered that splitting the tender will not give more companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), better opportunities to submit tenders. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
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