Opening of tenders10/03/2025
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The subject-matter of the contract shall include the performance of the following main activities: Execution of construction and installation works and any other accompanying and related activities necessary for the execution of the construction in accordance with the regulatory requirements, the requirements of the Contracting Authority and the approved investment project; Preparation of executive documentation, cadastral recording of the entire construction and submission of the data to the relevant geodesy, cartography and cadastre office in accordance with Article 54a(2) of the Cadastre and Property Register Act; Submission of the site and its acceptance by the Contracting Authority with a Statement of Findings establishing the suitability for acceptance of the construction Annex No 15 under Regulation No 3 of 31 July 2003 on the drawing up of acts and protocols during construction; Participation in the commissioning of the site with a Protocol for establishing the suitability for use of the construction Annex No 16 of Regulation No 3 of 31 July 2003; Fulfilment of obligations related to ensuring the normal functioning and use of the completed construction site and removal of hidden defects after the acceptance and commissioning of the site within the warranty periods for completed construction and installation works and facilities in accordance with Regulation No 2 of 31 July 2003 on the commissioning of construction sites in the Republic of Bulgaria and the minimum warranty periods for completed construction and installation works, facilities and construction sites. Scope of the investment intent Regional pre-investment studies (RPIP) have been drawn up for the separate territory served by Water Supply and Sewerage EOOD Sofia region, according to which investment measures for the water supply and sewerage network in Kostinbrod agglomeration are provided for. Shiyakovtsi and kv. Kostinbrod oil. An investment project is available in the ‘technical project’ phase, covering plumbing, sewerage branches and the construction of rainwater sewerage in Shkiakovtsi and Maslovo districts in the town of Kostinbrod. Plumbing: Most of the network is made up of asbestos-cement pipes, which are old and lead to frequent accidents. The plumbing building deviations are from galvanized pipes. The service life of these pipes has expired. Multiple and frequent accidents lead to serious losses of drinking water. At present, part of the existing water supply network of the city does not comply with the current legislation. In recent years, some of the most frequently damaged sections of the network have been replaced with polyethylene pipes. Most of the network is made up of asbestos-cement pipes, which are old and lead to frequent accidents. The plumbing building deviations are from galvanized pipes. The service life of these pipes has expired. Multiple and frequent accidents lead to serious losses of drinking water. At present, part of the existing water supply network of the city does not comply with the current legislation. In recent years, some of the most frequently damaged sections of the network have been replaced with polyethylene pipes. The water supply system per sq. Oil and kv. Shiyakovtsi consists of 6 Main Branches (Main Branch 1, Main Branch 2, Main Branch 3, Main Branch 4, Main Branch 5 and Main Branch 6), of which Main Branch 1 is an existing, and a secondary network. The route of the newly designed plumbing branches is consistent with the regulation plan and the existing position of the roadway. Sewage network: The sewerage network of the III region of the town of Kostinbrod, covering the quarter of Kostinbrod, has been built so far. Shiyakovtsi and kv. Oil, is of mixed type (joint drainage of domestic and rainwater). There is no data on sewerage collectors and branches put into operation from the territory under consideration. The existing network is made of concrete pipes with a predominant diameter of 200 to 400 mm. The reason is that it was built without a project (economically) and generally does not meet the technical requirements. The predominant coverage is less than 2m, on some streets even less than 1m. During the inspection of the existing sewerage system, it was found that there were sections built with a reverse slope, and most of the inspection shafts were clogged. Due to poor implementation, sewerage is not watertight and this can cause groundwater contamination and spread of infections among the population. In the areas where there is no sewerage system, the inhabitants of the city use mainly soaking septic tanks. The construction of an entirely new sewerage system in the two districts is envisaged, as the type of the system is separate - consisting of 4 main household branches (Main Branch I, Main Branch II, Main Branch III and Main Branch IV) of which Main Branch II is an existing, secondary household sewerage and 14 rain branches draining the rainwater from the drainage areas to their discharge into the Blato River. One sewerage pumping station and three passages of household sewerage branches under a river are envisaged for the territory under consideration. Quantity: The technical design provides for the reconstruction and completion of water and sewerage pipes for the 3rd district of Kostinbrod as follows: Plumbing with total length of branches - 12 831.50 m; Domestic sewerage with a total length of branches of 14 051.79 m; Rain drainage with total length of branches - 4160,65m. The water supply and sewerage network envisaged for reconstruction and completion is a construction of the fourth group, second category in accordance with Article 137(1)(2)(b) of the Spatial Development Act and Article 5(6)(4)(4.2)(4.2.1) of the Rules on the procedure for recording and keeping the central professional register of the builder. The full description of the subject of the contract is given in the relevant Technical Specification – Annexes No 1, which form an integral part of this documentation. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
45231300 - Construction work for water and sewage pipelines
45232130 - Storm-water piping construction work
45232423 - Sewage pumping stations construction work
45330000 - Plumbing and sanitary works CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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