Opening of tenders30/01/2025
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Cultural Mediation and Education Service in the centers managed by the Public Agency for the Management of Pablo Ruiz Picasso's Birthplace and other museum and cultural facilities. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Cultural Mediation and Education Service in the centers managed by the Public Agency for the Management of Pablo Ruiz Picasso's Birthplace and other museum and cultural facilities. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: quality
Description: AportaciĆ³n de plataforma virtual y equipamiento necesario de streaming, sin lĆmite de sesiones, para la realizaciĆ³n de visitas virtuales.
Weight (percentage, exact): 8
Type: quality
Description: Bolsa de horas de personal .
Weight (percentage, exact): 4
Type: price
Description: Mejor oferta econĆ³mica.
Weight (percentage, exact): 36
Type: quality
Description: PrestaciĆ³n del servicio en un segundo idioma y por un mediador o experto en talleres extra y distinto al que estĆ” prestando el original.
Weight (percentage, exact): 12
Type: quality
Description: Mejoras a los servicios mĆnimos exigidos en el pliego.
Weight (percentage, exact): 40
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