Opening of tenders17/02/2025
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Materials necessary for carrying out the activity with own forces, scheduled and unscheduled, within S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A (Territorial Operations, Medias Branch, Departments, Directions and Administrative Headquarters) Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The contracting entity intends to conclude a framework agreement on Materials necessary for carrying out the activity with its own forces, scheduled and unscheduled, within S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A (Territorial Operations, Medias Branch, Departments, Directorates and Administrative Headquarters) a) the maximum number of economic operators that will be part of the framework agreement to be concluded: 1 b) frequency of award of subsequent contracts (orders): minimum 10 orders/month depending on the needs of the Contracting Entity. The subsequent contracts will take the form of orders as follows: - The order together with the offer submitted by the supplier constitutes the valid follow-up contract concluded between the parties. Thus, the supporting documents of the subsequent contract will be: A) The order sent by email to the supplier by the responsible persons within each cost center included in Annex 2 to the specifications; B) The offer received by email from the supplier, with a maximum transmission deadline to the contracting entity of 60 minutes. Following the offer submitted by the supplier, the products in the order will be reserved in the physical store/warehouse for pick-up/delivery for the contracting entity. The parties will not sign any other document but the conclusion of the subsequent contract (orders) will be proved by the two documents mentioned above. The time of conclusion of the subsequent contract (order) is the time of receipt by the buyer of the tender. c) estimates of the minimum and maximum quantities that could be requested during the entire framework agreement, as well as of the minimum and maximum quantities that could be the subject of a single subsequent contract, i.e. one of the orders to be awarded during the duration of the framework agreement: The forecast quantity to be contracted in the case of the subsequent contract(s): • Min: 1 (min 1 product will be purchased in the amount of 1 pc from the total of 1301 product typologies included in the framework agreement) • Max: 220 (maximum products will be purchased 220 products in X quantity each of the total of 1301 typologies produced) The forecasted quantity to be contracted in the case of the framework agreement: • Min: 87 841.00 according to Annex 1 - Required products • Max: The deadline by which economic operators have the right to request clarifications or additional information in relation to the tender documentation is the 18th day before the deadline for submission of tenders, in accordance with Article 173 of Law No 99/2016, as amended and supplemented by Government Emergency Order No 107/2017 amending and supplementing certain legislative acts with an impact on public procurement. The time limit within which the contracting entity will respond clearly and completely to all requests for clarification/additional information in accordance with Article 172(2) in conjunction with Article 173 of Law No 99/2016, as amended and supplemented by Government Emergency Order No 107/2017 amending certain legislative acts with an impact on public procurement, is as follows: the 11th day before the closing date for the submission of tenders. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
44160000 - Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items
19521000 - Polystyrene products
03100000 - Agricultural and horticultural products
44830000 - Mastics, fillers, putty and solvents
39831500 - Automotive cleaners
32581100 - Data-transmission cable
42130000 - Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances
34300000 - Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines
44300000 - Cable, wire and related products
38410000 - Metering instruments
38330000 - Hand-held instruments for measuring length
44212220 - Pylons, poles and pickets
09241000 - Bituminous or oil shale
44165000 - Hoses, risers and sleeves
31161900 - Voltage-control systems
30237200 - Computer accessories
18937000 - Goods-packing sacks
44620000 - Central-heating radiators and boilers and parts
38424000 - Measuring and control equipment
31430000 - Electric accumulators
44520000 - Locks, keys and hinges
42631000 - Machine tools for finishing metals
44512000 - Miscellaneous hand tools
44812400 - Decorating supplies
32000000 - Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
39220000 - Kitchen equipment, household and domestic items and catering supplies
31320000 - Power distribution cables
43413000 - Concrete or mortar mixers
35250000 - Repellents for canine attack
39540000 - Miscellaneous cordage, rope, twine and netting
44330000 - Bars, rods, wire and profiles used in construction
34928480 - Waste and rubbish containers and bins
44170000 - Plates, sheets, strip and foil related to construction materials
31680000 - Electrical supplies and accessories
24951311 - Anti-freezing preparations
31431000 - Lead-acid accumulators
44221000 - Windows, doors and related items
24450000 - Agro-chemical products
42410000 - Lifting and handling equipment
42670000 - Parts and accessories of machine tools
42622000 - Threading or tapping machines
31520000 - Lamps and light fittings
31214500 - Electric switchboards
42662100 - Electric welding equipment
39340000 - Gas network equipment
39224000 - Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types
44111520 - Thermal insulating material
44190000 - Miscellaneous construction materials
31154000 - Uninterruptible power supplies
42661000 - Soldering and brazing equipment
14800000 - Miscellaneous non-metallic mineral products
34320000 - Mechanical spare parts except engines and engine parts
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