- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
Redevelopment of Ursuline College
The proposed development will consist of the mechanical works associated with: • Demolition and making good of ca. 1,897m2 of existing additions, extensions and temporary accommodation buildings; • Construction of New 4,450m2 part 3-, and 2- storey secondary school building, connected to existing 2006 2-storey extension and Sports Hall building, which is to be reconfigured, upgraded and its roof replaced; • Refurbishment of and alterations to existing 1,506m2 1930’s 3-storey building with new lift extension and accessibility interventions; • Conservation works to the existing ca. 110m2 1860’s Chapel and its repurposing as a music room; • Holding works for future use to 1860’s building elements adjoining the Convent, a protected structure; • Holding works for future use to the 1890’s building, which is proposed to return to being a stand-alone building after demolitions of additions and extensions thereto; • Separate staff car-park with vehicular access from existing northern gate to be modified and associated traffic works; • Upgrade to existing student vehicular drop-off, set-down and parking provisions to east; • Associated hard-surface play areas, landscaping, boundary treatments: • Associated surface water attenuation, foul and surface water drainage connections, site works and ancillary services. • Associated phased construction proposals to facilitate continuance of education provision during the works.
45350000 - Mechanical installations
51120000 - Installation services of mechanical equipment
45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
45230000 - Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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