Opening of tenders09/01/2025
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CSS de Mayotte's banking services market Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
The purpose of this consultation is to: - the management of an account for the collection of contributions, contributions and other payments of sums recovered by the CSS de Mayotte in respect of the recovery branch, - the management of "current accounts", intended for the payment of social benefits, the recovery of undue benefits in respect of the Service Providers branches (Family, Sickness and Retirement), the collection of contributions to the complementary solidarity health (C2S) for Sickness Insurance, the payment of benefits under the health and social action scheme for self-employed workers, the reimbursement of contributions as well as the payment of operating expenses of the CSS de Mayotte, - the transfer of cashed or surplus funds respectively to the "central current account" or to the "surplus recovery accounts" of the Acoss opened with the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (known as "Acoss accounts"), - the processing of cashing and disbursement transactions, - the provision by the holder of associated services. Text automatically translated in your browsing language Automatically translated
Type: price
Description: CRITERE 1 (15%) Coût global des prestations TTC
Weight (percentage, exact):
Type: quality
Description: CRITERE 2 (11%) Qualité de l'offre s'agissant des horaires proposés relatifs aux moyens de paiement et aux vidages CRITERE 3 (50%) Qualité de l'offre concernant le système d'information et les services au quotidien proposés CRITERE 4 (20%) Continuité du niveau de qualité du service CRITERE 5 (4%) Qualité de l'offre concernant les pratiques extra-financières du candidat, de nature environnementale, sociale et de gouvernance (ESG)
Weight (percentage, exact):
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