- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
Intention notice: District cooling for Østfold Moss Hospital
Moss Hospital has several large and a large number of smaller cooling generators that are approaching the expired lifetime and have, for the next cooling season in summer 2025, no cooling installations for ventilation Moss south. It is therefore necessary to put in place an alternative, preferably by 01.07.2025.The contracting authority has concluded that remote cooling is the most appropriate and also involves the greatest potential for financial savings. Lineage Moss Norway AS org no. 915129765 operates a freezer storage near SØ Moss. They are willing to deliver remote cooling to Østfold Moss Hospital, and there is already a partially completed stirred breed for remote cooling between Lineage Moss Norway AS and Østfold Moss Hospital which Lineage Moss Norway has at their disposal. Lineage Moss Norway AS uses natural refrigerating media for the operation of its refrigerating generators in Moss.The contracting authority has conducted surveys in the market and Lineage Moss Norway AS is, according to the contracting authority ́s knowledge, the only supplier who can deliver remote cooling to Østfold Moss Hospital within a proper cost level due to excess cooling, disposes the pipe route and is close to Moss Hospital.After the contracting authority ́s assessment, the terms for procurements without competition are the terms for procurements without competition. c.f. the Public Procurement Regulations § 13-4 b) no. 2 as the competition is impossible for technical reasons. There are also no reasonable alternatives, cf. the Public Procurement Regulations § 13-4 b) another period.
09320000 - Steam, hot water and associated products
45213210 - Cold-storage installations
09300000 - Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy
45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
65400000 - Other sources of energy supplies and distribution
45231000 - Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines
79000000 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
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