- indicates CPV codes deduced from the text of the procedure
Provision of Services of Accounting Experts to verify claims submitted by third parties, which involves also providing assistance to a team of Architects for the Lands Authority
The purpose of this Call for Quotation (CfQ) is the provision of service of accounting experts to verify claims submitted by emphyteuta concerning government-owned properties in the Grand Harbour area, covering a combined total area of approximately forty-five thousand (45,000) square meters. This involves also assisting three architects in the evaluation of these claims particularly arising from contractual obligations which the government allegedly did not manage to meet. The emphyteuta laid down a proposal for the reduction of the existing annual ground rent from Lm250,000 to €100,000. This proposal also includes the return of certain properties to the Government, the allocation of other government-owned properties, and modifications to contractual conditions.
79212100 - Financial auditing services
79200000 - Accounting, auditing and fiscal services
79212500 - Accounting review services
79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services
79210000 - Accounting and auditing services
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services CVP code deduced from the text of the procedure AI-generated
Type: price
Description: Cheapest Compliant
Weight (percentage, exact): 100
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