Publications Office of the EU
Privacy statement - TED eSenders Seminar 2018
Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement on the protection of personal data
Online invitation/registration relating to the event "TED eSenders seminar"
Luxembourg, 9-10 October 2018

I. Introduction

This webpage offers you an online electronic registration for the above mentioned meeting. While registering your personal data will be collected and further processed for the purposes detailed hereafter under point 2. The relevant processing operations thereof and the meeting are under the responsibility of the Head of the Stakeholder Relations Unit of the Publications Office, acting as the Controller.

As this online service collects and further processes personal data, Regulation (EC) 45/2001, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data, is applicable.

II. Why do we collect, store and process your data?

The purpose of the processing of personal data performed in the context of the meeting is the management/organisation of the meeting, including management of:

  • lists for contacts, invitations, participants, reports, distribution of reports, feedback on reports, meeting follow-up, follow-up meetings, follow-up actions, news, publications;
  • in case of repeated meetings of the same group, to ensure that the invitees of meetings are invited to subsequent meetings;
  • photographs/pictures, presentations, live webstreaming and/or audio and video recording of speakers and participants;
  • publication on the internet/intranet.

Participants who prefer their images are neither recorded nor published in any format can opt out as described in section V.

If possible, those participants should be able to locally follow live meeting and debates at the webstreaming Internet address indicated on the subscription form or the invitation by the organizer. The processing operations on personal data linked to the organisation and management of this meeting are necessary for the management and functioning of the Commission, as mandated by the Treaties, and more specifically in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), Article 13 TEU and Articles 244-250 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), and in accordance with Article 1 and Article 11 TEU.

III. Who is responsible for the processing of your data? (Controller)

The controller responsible for processing these data is the head of unit of Stakeholder Relations

IV. What personal data do we collect?

Data collected and further processed

  • data which are necessary for the organisation and management of the meeting, such as gender (needed for the right title)/name/surname/profession/organisation/e-mail address;
  • iidentity/passport n°/date of birth/nationality (for access control purpose by security guards to the Commission's premises – see DPO-508)
  • photographs/pictures, presentations, live webstreaming and/or audio and video recording of speakers and participants. They could be published in the context of the meeting and in the framework of European Commission activities.

Technical information

The registration website collects session cookies for statistical purposes. You can reject the cookies on our Cookies page (

V. To whom are your data disclosed?

Some of your personal data (photographs/pictures, video recording or webstreaming) will be published on the web. If you do not agree with this publication of your personal data, please inform the data controller by using the Contact Information below explicitly specifying your request. Your request is not granted if publication is required by law.

For speakers only, in the conferences webcast portal, name, profile, picture, short CV and presentation(s) if provided voluntarily by the speaker, will be indicated in the portal and associated to the video recording of the speech. No personal data is added for interventions not in agenda (e.g. questions from the public).

In order to keep the network of the participants operational a contact list of participants, containing only your name, organisation and email address, is shared between attendees.

The report including the presence list (containing only your name) is shared between participants and distributed to all organisations represented in the meeting.

As these official meetings reports are Commission documents, they fall under the scope of the Regulation (EC) 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.

No personal data is transmitted to parties which are outside the recipients and the legal framework mentioned.

VI. How long are your data kept?

Your personal data will be part of a list of contact details shared internally amongst the staff of the Commission services for the purpose of contacting you in the future in the context of the Commission's activities. If you do not agree with this, please contact the Controller by using the Contact Information below and by explicitly specifying your request.

VII. How can you access to your data, check their accuracy and, if needed, correct them?

In case you want to verify which personal data is stored on your behalf by the responsible controller, have it modified respectively corrected or deleted, please contact the Controller by using the contact information below and by explicitly specifying your request. If you are required to take part in meetings by your position, your data cannot be erased unless the organisation delegating you nominates another person. Participants who prefer their images are not published should tick the box on the registration form to this effect.

Special attention is drawn to the consequences of a request for deletion, in which case any trace to be able to contact you will be lost.

VIII. What do we do to avoid misuse or unauthorized access?

The collected personal data and all information related to the above mentioned meeting are stored on the servers of the Publications Office and the European Commission, the operations of which abide by the Commission's security decisions and provisions established by the Directorate of Security for this kind of servers and services.

Audio and video recordings as well as information displayed on the internet/intranet might be stored on servers of external contractors abiding by the necessary security provisions.

IX. Contact Information

In case you wish to verify which personal data are stored on your behalf by the responsible Controller, have it modified, corrected, or deleted, or if you have questions regarding the organisation of the meeting, or concerning any information processed in the context of the meeting, or on your rights, feel free to contact the support team, operating under the responsibility of the Controller, using the following contact information:

Publications Office of the European Union
Unit D.1, Stakeholder Relations

X. Recourse

Remarks can be addressed to the Data Protection Officer of the European Commission. Complaints, in case of conflict, can be addressed to the European Data Protection Supervisor.