Since its inception nearly a decade ago, the annual European System of Central Banks (ESCB) Legal Conference has become a vital forum for legal scholars, practitioners, supervisors, and central bankers. The 2024 edition of the ESCB Legal Conference builds on this tradition by addressing key lega...
"This ambitious programme informed our actions when we planned the ECB Legal Conference 2023, which would ultimately evolve into the book you are reading. To contribute to peace, especially in our vicinity; to contribute to the sustainable development of the Earth; the strict observance and the ...
The main themes of the 2022 ECB Legal Conference and of this book are on the one hand the legal developments in response to the pandemic, and on the other hand, the practical application by the ECB of the rule of law. The first theme, i.e. the legal developments in response to the pandemic, were...
Since 2015, on a yearly basis, the ECB Legal Services have brought together academics, judges, practitioners and lawyers from the Legal Services of the ECB, other EU institutions, international and financial institutions, national central banks and national supervisory authorities to discuss top...
Central banks and supervisors face complex legal debates, especially in respect of accountability and transparency. The conference covered further facets of this debate, namely judicial review in a multi-level administrative framework, and the balance between transparency and confidentiality of ...
The theme of the 2019 ECB Legal Conference and of this volume is building bridges. Bridges are a defining element of the Frankfurt landscape, where the ECB has its seat. Bridges are also the key symbols on euro banknotes. These are not representations of real bridges made of concrete or limeston...
The aim of the ESCB Legal Conference 2016 has been to present legal developments, legal challenges and practical legal issues which have recently arisen and are related to the activities of the Eurosystem and of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. The specialised nature of the conference and of th...
This book is a collection of the proceedings of the ECB Legal Conference “From Monetary Union to Banking Union, on the way to Capital Markets Union: new opportunities for European integration”, hosted by the European Central Bank on 1 and 2 September 2015. One of the main objectives of this proj...