The dossier on Environmental Quality Standards for “PAHs” is reviewed by the SCHEER according to the general mandate on EQS dossiers. The proposed dossier is a revision of a previous EQS dossier (2018) based on recent data and the procedure proposed in the new EQS Technical Guidance (2018). Howe...
Following the mandate from the European Commission, this scientific Opinion evaluates whether the uses of pigmentary titanium dioxide in toys and toy materials can be considered to be safe in light of the exposure identified, and in light of the classification of titanium dioxide as carcinogenic...
The dossier on Environmental Quality Standards for “Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs)” is reviewed by the SCHEER according to the general mandate on EQS dossiers....
The dossier on Environmental Quality Standards for “PBDEs” is evaluated by the SCHEER according to the general mandate on EQS dossiers. The current EQS Dossier is a revision of the PBDE dossier published in 2011 (EC, 2011). The revision deals with two sections, viz., the biota and the drinking w...
The dossier on Environmental Quality Standards for “HBCDD” is evaluated by the SCHEER according to the general mandate on EQS dossiers. However, in the case of HBCDD, the SCHEER was asked specifically to evaluate only the revision of the QSs that relate to secondary poisoning of top predators (Q...
The SCHEER was requested, according to the Mandate from DG Environment, to provide opinions on a series of draft EQS dossiers for newly proposed priority substances and on those EQS dossiers for existing priority substances that were recently updated. The SCHEER welcomes the opportunity to provi...
The SCHEER has considered meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and, when necessary, narrative or scope reviews and single research papers published since 2015 on radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz). The SCHEER could not identify moderate or strong level of evidence for adver...
The dossier on Environmental Quality Standards for “Dicofol” is reviewed by the SCHEER according to the general mandate on EQS dossiers. The current review of the dicofol dossier was carried out after comments of the SCHER in 2011 that indicated a need to reassess the QSbiota value in the light ...
This scientific Opinion evaluates the current state of the art considering key accommodation parameters to maintain the welfare of zebrafish in captivity for scientific purposes. In addition, euthanasia methods (e.g. hypothermic shock) for zebrafish were evaluated. Furthermore, housing requireme...