Publications Office of the EU
P9_TA(2020)0268 Amending Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 as regards specific measures on L-category end-of-series vehicles in response to the COVID-19 pandemic ***I European Parliament legislative resolution of 20 October 2020 on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 as regards specific measures on L-category end-of-series vehicles in response to the COVID-19 outbreak (COM(2020)0491 — C9-0285/2020 — 2020/0251(COD)) P9_TC1-COD(2020)0251 Position of the European Parliament adopted at first reading on 20 October 2020 with a view to the adoption of Regulation (EU) 2020/… of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 168/2013 as regards specific measures on L-category end-of-series vehicles in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
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