Focus on


On 5 June thousands of people all over the world celebrated World Environment Day. Since it began in 1974, World Environment Day has grown to become a global platform for public outreach, which aims to raise awareness of the environment and to encourage positive action aimed at protecting nature and planet Earth.

To mark this occasion, the Publications Office presents a selection of recently published titles on the subject of environment.  

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The EU Birds and Habitats Directives

For nature and people in Europe

The EU birds and habitats directives form the cornerstones of Europe’s legislation on nature conservation. They represent the most ambitious and large-scale initiative ever undertaken to conserve Europe’s natural heritage. Their overall objective is to ensure that the species and habitat types they protect are maintained or restored to a favourable conservation status. This booklet gives an overview of the main achievements of the two directives in halting and reversing the loss of biodiversity in Europe.

Available in all the official languages of the EU (PDF)

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Sustainable Aquaculture

Is sustainable aquaculture possible?

Aquaculture is facing a new era of expansion in Europe. What are the environmental implications of this, and how can the sector expand sustainably? This report presents an overview of research into aquaculture’s impacts, and considers how it could develop in harmony with environmental goals. It also highlights the possibility that filling certain knowledge gaps could help to further improve aquaculture’s sustainability.

Available in English

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Our Planet, Our Future

Fighting climate change together

How can I tackle climate change through my own actions and choices? What is exactly is the greenhouse effect? How will the 2015 global climate change agreement help? Find out the answers to these and many other questions concerning climate change in this beautifully illustrated and easy to read brochure.

Available in all the official languages of the EU

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Best LIFE Nature Projects 2014

Safeguarding the future of our natural capital

This is the seventh year that the LIFE Nature Best Awards have been granted to the most exemplary projects financed within the framework of the European Union’s LIFE programme. This publication presents the winning projects from different Member States, which demonstrate innovative ways of using LIFE funding to restore habitats, conserve species and support biodiversity, in line with the goals of EU nature and biodiversity policy.

Available in English

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EU Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking

Prevention, enforcement and cooperation

The EU's Wildlife Action Plan 2016 – 2020 is a far-reaching strategy to address wildlife trafficking and to strengthen the EU’s role in the fight against these illegal activities globally. It forms part of the EU’s response to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in particular to Sustainable Development Goal 15, which calls for urgent action to end poaching and trafficking of protected species of flora and fauna.

Available in English, French and German (PDF)

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Natura 2000 and Forests

Part I-II

It cannot be overstated how important Europe’s diverse forest ecosystems are to conserving the EU’s rich but increasingly threatened biodiversity. This is also reflected in the fact that forests make up about half of the Natura 2000 Network. This publication outlines the key provisions of Natura 2000 in the context of other relevant EU initiatives concerning forests and it answers a number of questions that are frequently raised by stakeholders as regards the management of forests in Natura 2000.

Available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish

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Mapping and Assessing the Condition of Europe's Ecosystems

Progress and challenges: EEA contribution to the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020

We depend on healthy and resilient ecosystems to continue to deliver a range of essential services, such as food, water, clean air and recreation, into the future. However, our natural capital is being lost or degraded by pressures such as pollution, climate change, overexploitation and urban development. This report synthesises the European Environment Agency's work on ecosystem mapping and assessment over the last few years.

Available in English

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EU‑Funding of Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants in the Danube River Basin

Further efforts needed in helping Member States to achieve EU waste water policy objectives

The waste water and sewage sludge from urban agglomerations can affect the quality of Europe’s lakes, rivers, coastal waters, soils and groundwater. As a result the EU has adopted a series of directives and has also co-financed the building of urban waste water treatment plants. This report analyses the progress with regard to the implementation of the urban waste water treatment directive in four Member States in the Danube river basin.

Available in all the official languages of the EU (e-book)

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Application of the Emissions Trading Directive

Analysis of national responses under Article 21 of the EU ETS directive in 2015

Directive 2003/87/EC established the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), which is a key EU policy instrument aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This report considers whether or not the implementation of this directive is on track, if there is potential for improvement in certain areas, and whether or not further information is required to determine the status of implementation.

Available in English

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