Publications Office of the EU
Publications Office Newsletter - Summer 23 - EU-publikationer
Summer 2023 newsletter

Issue 119

Summer 2023

ISSN 2315-0017

Spotlight on the EU environmental policy

Continuing the worrying trend of recent summers, the summer of 2023 is underway with unprecedented heatwaves and record-breaking temperatures. This serves as a harsh reminder of climate change, the most pressing global challenge we face. The effects are far-reaching, impacting every aspect of life on our planet, and a whole range of policy domains: the environment, energy and resource sustainability, population health and safety, water management, agriculture and food production, geopolitics, tourism. Unavoidably, this development forces us to contemplate the kind of future we desire.

The EU envisions a sustainable future, where societies and economies thrive in harmony with the environment. The origins of this vision and the EU's environmental policy can be traced back as far as 1972. Over the past five decades, this commitment has evolved into a comprehensive body of some of the world's most extensive environmental regulations. As a result, significant progress has been made in reducing air, water, and soil pollution, and protecting nature and biodiversity. More needs to be done, however. This is why President von der Leyen launched the European Green Deal, the cornerstone of the EU's environmental policy. Europe has embarked on an extraordinary journey, aiming to become the world's pioneer in achieving climate neutrality by 2050, while ensuring no person or place is left behind.

This ambitious undertaking holds immense promise for both citizens and businesses alike. It offers hope for the environment, with transformative measures set to safeguard our planet's well-being. It ensures the protection of biodiversity and nature, preserving habitats where countless species can coexist alongside us. It drives the development and adoption of cutting-edge technologies, fostering innovation and creating new economic opportunities. Ultimately, the most significant outcome is that our actions today will secure a planet worth inheriting for future generations, preserving its beauty, vitality, and abundance for years to come.

Our summer newsletter shines a spotlight on the EU's environmental policy, along with other topics, from democracy in the digital age to animal welfare. We wish you enjoyable reading and a beautiful summer!

Zero pollution PDF

Outlook 2022

This publication presents modelling and foresight results that provide a perspective on whether we are on track in terms of the objectives of the EU zero pollution ambitions and the associated EU legislation. It focuses on a selection of objectives and targets for air, water and soil, and offers scientific advice regarding the actions needed to successfully implement the European Commission’s zero pollution action plan.

Available in English

The EIB climate survey PDF

Government action, personal choices and the green transition

Against the background of Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, with increasing energy prices across the globe, the latest EIB climate survey shows how a majority of people around the world favour a shift to greener solutions. Reportedly, over half of Chinese citizens (55%) view climate change as the country's most significant challenge, compared to 41% in Europe, 28% in the US, and 32% in the UK. A high majority of Chinese (88%), Europeans (84%) and Britons (83%) predict a global catastrophe unless we drastically cut goods and energy consumption. These and other interesting findings are revealed in the Climate Survey 2022-2023 by the European Investment Bank.

Available in English

Implementing the European Green Deal PDF

Handbook for local and regional governments

Interested in translating Europe's Green Deal into action at a local level? This handbook provides step-by-step guidance and simplifies the complexities of system-wide innovation. Dive in to uncover how your community can contribute to climate neutrality, energy transition, and a circular economy, while ensuring fair burden-sharing. Explore a broad range of EU resources tailored for local implementation and let the handbook serve as your roadmap to our sustainable future.

Available in English

More on this topic

Decarbonising Heating and Cooling PDF

A Climate Imperative

This publication sheds light on the essential transition from fossil fuels to renewables in our heating and cooling systems, accounting for half of the EU's total energy use. Explore the potential of modern district heating systems, the implications of biomass use, and the breakthroughs of heat pumps for a low-emission future. Learn how strategic innovation and regional adaptation can propel us towards our 2030 climate targets.

Available in English

Towards sustainable food consumption PDF

Promoting healthy, affordable and sustainable food consumption choices

The way we produce, process, advertise, distribute, and consume food has a major impact on climate change and the environment. This evidence review report by the EU Scientific Advice Mechanism to the European Commission offers recommendations on policy interventions to overcome barriers that are preventing consumers from eating in a healthier and more sustainable way.

Available in English

Fly the Green Deal PDF

Europe’s vision for sustainable aviation

This publication highlights the aviation industry's role in achieving climate neutrality. With a focus on key pillars such as mobility, vehicles and propulsion, infrastructure, and energy systems, it offers valuable insights into the sector's transformation towards a greener and more efficient future.

Available in English

Environmental crime in the age of climate change PDF

Threat assessment 2022

Environmental crime has become a key threat to global security and a profitable criminal activity, as much in the EU as worldwide. Crimes against the environment threaten the survival of all living species and have an enormous financial impact, which is set to increase further. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of environmental crime threats targeting the EU.

Available in English

Also out recently

European Innovation Scoreboard 2023 PDF

Explore where Europe's innovation strengths lie, which areas require focus, and how external factors like geopolitical tensions and inflation impact innovation. This insightful annual report offers an in-depth comparison among EU Member States and selected third countries. Its goal is to help countries assess areas in which they need to concentrate their efforts in order to boost their innovation performance.

Available in English

Opinion on democracy in the digital age PDF

As digital technologies reshape our societies, their impact on democracy has been profound, posing threats, from the spread of harmful information and algorithmic surveillance to foreign interference, but also offering potential solutions. In this publication, the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies delves into the ethical perspective of modern democracy, considering the challenges and opportunities it presents. This thoughtful exploration helps to ensure that the EU harnesses digital capabilities effectively to uphold democratic values.

Available in English

Employment and social developments in Europe 2023 PDF

Despite challenges resulting from the impact of Russia's unprovoked and unjustified aggression against Ukraine and high inflation, EU labour markets have shown remarkable resilience, achieving record-breaking employment levels and the lowest unemployment rates ever recorded. This report offers the latest insights on employment and social developments in Europe. Explore it to understand the implications of evolving skills demand, demographic changes, and the green and digital transitions on Europe's competitiveness and inclusivity.

Available in English

In your language

Biodiversity strategy for 2030 PDF

Barrier removal for river restoration

This publication explores the EU’s vision of making at least 25 000 km of rivers free-flowing again by 2030. It lays out strategic principles, successful examples, and funding resources to help EU Member States and other stakeholders in achieving this objective.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Travelling in Europe 2023 PDF

With a rich historical and cultural heritage and breath-taking scenery, Europe is home to some of the world’s most popular destinations. Croatia has become the 27th member of the Schengen area - the world’s largest free travel zone. This means that checks have been lifted for people crossing the borders between Croatia and the other countries in the Schengen area. Wherever you are travelling in Europe, keep safe, have fun, check the quality of bathing water where you swim, and keep this handy brochure with you for more information, helpful tips and a map of Europe.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Research and innovation

CORDIS results pack on climate neutrality PDF/HTML/Paper

Embracing the complex interplay between the energy system, the economy and consumer behaviour, the research highlighted in this results pack reveals how policies can best direct the EU towards climate neutrality and how investment can be mobilised. The 14 research projects featured in this publication aim to support the transition to a carbon-neutral society in various ways, with one of them designing a fictional city of the future, called Notterdam.

Available in English
(Individual article also available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish on the CORDIS website)

You may also like

Retirement abroad PDF

How the European Union protects your pensions and healthcare rights

Are you considering retiring in another country? Wondering about the impact on your pension and healthcare rights? Rest assured; your pension is a guaranteed right that can be claimed anywhere in the European Union. Similarly, your right to healthcare is protected, ensuring you can access it anywhere within the EU. Discover more details in this informative brochure.

Available in English

Religious slaughter PDF

Reconciling animal welfare with freedom of religion or belief

This publication explores the delicate balance between freedom of religious practicing and ethical treatment of animals. It reviews the ongoing discussions surrounding the stunning of animals prior to slaughter and the possible derogations allowed for religious communities. It presents diverse perspectives on the topic, highlighting scientific evidence and religious interpretations.

Available in English

Kalopsia PDF

A planet that's not so different: discover Europe from outer space

Kalopsia is millions and millions of kilometres away from the Milky Way. It’s a planet full of colours. The sky’s a different colour every day and the water is red and tastes of strawberry syrup. However, the four species that live in Kalopsia have separated their territories with high walls, in order to avoid arguing and fighting. Follow Wabi in an adventure full of surprises that will make her realise that, despite their differences, the inhabitants on her planet can actually get along, live together and help each other. A fun metaphorical story to help children understand the EU and its origins.

Available in English, French, Spanish and Catalan


Our news

Get information about the European Green Deal and energy in your language!

We hope you enjoyed our selection of publications related to the environmental policy of the European Union featured in this newsletter. If you are eager to read more, visit our bundle dedicated to the European Green Deal and energy on the EU publications website. This comprehensive selection is regularly updated and available in all official languages of the EU.

Open data for regional growth: showcasing a real-life success story

We all want our regions and cities to prosper. Open data has the power to help make that happen. Decision-making, innovation, business, partnerships and more… They all benefit from open data. Join the EU Publications Office at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2023 (#EURegionsWeek) to learn more.

Come to our workshop, 'Open data for regional growth: showcasing a real-life success story,’ and discover the power of open data in the hands of innovators and entrepreneurs. Meet geoFluxus, a winner of the EU Datathon competition that has transformed open data into precious insights for municipal waste management.

Our workshop will take place in Brussels on 11 October 2023, from 14:30 to 15:30. Registration is possible until 30 September 2023. Book your place soon!

During the entire European Week of Regions and Cities 2023, you can visit our stand to discover how open data and the results of EU projects underpin decision-making, from smart cities to climate adaptation.

See you in October!

EU law
EU law, national law and related information
European data
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EU tenders
Business opportunities in the European Union and beyond
EU research results
Information about the results of
EU-funded projects
EU Whoiswho
The directory of the European institutions
EU publications
Publications of the EU institutions in various formats