Publications Office of the EU
October - EU-publikationer
October newsletter

Issue 120

October 2023

ISSN 2315-0017

You can read our newsletter in all official EU languages plus Ukrainian and Russian by clicking on the globe icon on the header of the page.

Spotlight on the 2023 State of the Union

Every September, the President of the European Commission delivers the annual State of the Union address to the European Parliament. In this address, she outlines her vision for tackling the forthcoming challenges faced by the European Union and for shaping its future.

On 13 September 2023, with fewer than 300 days remaining before Europeans cast their votes for a new European Parliament, President von der Leyen presented her fourth State of the Union address. The speech reflected on the past year's achievements, which occurred amidst significant challenges, starting from Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the resulting energy crisis. The President underlined climate change, the economy and Europe’s competitiveness as top priorities. Europe is making marked progress on the Green Deal, digital leadership, and the establishment of a Health Union. Continuous support is being offered to Ukraine and its citizens. Efforts to further strengthen autonomy in key sectors and to reduce energy costs are bringing tangible results. The NextGenerationEU investment programme is fostering job creation, with Europe today close to full employment.

The President announced measures to simplify business practices in Europe by cutting administrative burdens for small and medium-sized businesses by at least 25%. She underscored the significance of the Green Deal, especially in light of the severe climate events observed across Europe. She highlighted the Green Deal’s economic dimension alongside its environmental impact, promoting investments and innovations, and reiterated the EU’s dedication to supporting its industries during this transition whilst ensuring fair competition. In the realm of digital technology, the President identified three core principles underpinning Europe's stance on AI: guardrails (to ensure AI remains human-focused and transparent), governance (to establish systems that assess AI's influence), and guidance for innovation.

Concerning global relations, migration, and security, particularly in light of growing challenges from Russia, the Global Gateway initiative aims to foster transparent, sustainable, and economically beneficial ties with emerging economies and allies. The New Pact on Migration and Asylum aspires to strike a balance between border security and humanitarian considerations.

The President wrapped up her address by envisioning the successful enlargement of the EU, an answer to the call of history, leading to a union where 500 million individuals thrive in freedom, democracy, and prosperity. A goal clearly in the best strategic and security interests of Europe, which requires hard work and leadership. In her own words: ‘In a world where some are trying to pick off countries one by one, we cannot afford to leave our fellow Europeans behind’.

Our October newsletter is devoted to the State of the Union address. While we have provided a few highlights of this significant political declaration in this editorial, we encourage you to delve further via our featured links and publications. As always, we also recommend readings on a variety of engaging topics, from the crucial role of media freedom to the evolving landscape of telework.

State of the Union 2023 PDF

This is the 2023 State of the Union address by the President of the European Commission. The publication includes President von der Leyen’s letter of intent to the President of the European Parliament and the presidency of the Council, in which she details the actions the Commission intends to take in the following year. It also details the achievements of the von der Leyen Commission and a timeline of the key moments from the last year.

Available in English, French and German; all official EU languages coming soon

State of the Union 2023 PDF

Main initiatives

Dive into key initiatives from the 2023 State of the Union address. From envisioning a greener Europe and leading digital innovations, to strengthening ties with allies and shaping Europe's global trajectory, this factsheet offers a concise look at Europe's ambitious roadmap. Europe's moment beckons. Are you ready?

Available in all official languages of the EU

Also out recently

Eurostat regional yearbook PDF

2023 edition

Statistical information is crucial for understanding and quantifying the impact of political decisions in a specific territory or region. This publication provides a detailed overview of numerous statistical topics across the regions of the EU Member States, as well as the EFTA and candidate countries. It presents varied topics through maps, figures, and infographics, and analytical highlights of the main findings. With the occasion of the European Week of Regions and Cities check also the interactive publication Regions in Europe 2023 edition and our bundle on regions.

Available in English

EUISS yearbook of European security PDF/Paper


In a rapidly shifting geopolitical landscape, 2022 presented unprecedented challenges to European security. This publication offers an insightful analysis, shedding light on Europe's responses to significant events such as the unprovoked and unjustified Russian invasion of Ukraine. Further, it delves into the EU's evolving defence strategies, particularly through the pivotal Strategic Compass initiative. An essential read to understand Europe's security trajectory in a tumultuous world.

Available in English

What drives firms’ investment in climate action? EPUB/PDF/Paper

Evidence from the 2022-2023 EIB investment survey

Europe stands at a crossroads, balancing energy crises and the ever-pressing urgency of climate change. This insightful report delves deep into the factors motivating EU businesses to invest in green solutions, amidst global disruptions and challenges. Discover how these businesses are navigating this intricate landscape through the evidence provided by the investment survey of the European Investment Bank.

Available in English

Fundamental rights report 2023 PDF/Paper

The newest edition of the annual Fundamental Rights Report reviews major developments in the field in 2022, identifying both achievements and areas of concern. This year's focus chapter looks at the broad range of consequences for fundamental rights resulting from the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, with a particular focus on the situation of displaced persons. It highlights the key fundamental rights challenges and opportunities in relation to the rights granted by the Temporary Protection Directive with special focus on risks for vulnerable people.

Available in English

Pioneer women of the European Union PDF

This publication celebrates ten remarkable women who played pivotal roles in shaping the Europe we know today. Ranging from resistance fighters and Holocaust survivors to luminaries in the political, scientific, and cultural arenas, these women, have been instrumental in moulding the European Union's ethos. Their endeavours, both within the European institutions and through political activism, aimed to champion the EU's core values of equality, freedom, democracy, solidarity, diversity and respect for human rights.

Available in Catalan, English and Spanish

In your language

One currency for one Europe PDF/Paper

History was made on 1 January 1999 when 11 EU countries formed a monetary union, introducing the euro as a single currency. Euro banknotes and coins became legal tender on 1 January 2002 but the euro’s inception can be traced back to the origins of the European Union. Nowadays the euro is the most visible symbol of European integration and an integral part of Europe’s vision for the future. This booklet delineates the euro’s evolution and its current global standing.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Boosting hydrogen through a European Hydrogen Bank PDF

Discover how the European Hydrogen Bank aims to revolutionise the energy sector. This factsheet provides insights into the ambitious plans to escalate renewable hydrogen production, aimed at decarbonising industry and propelling Europe towards its 2030 climate targets. Learn how this initiative could foster innovation, create quality jobs, and bring growth opportunities, all while promoting environmental sustainability and climate neutrality.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Research and innovation

CORDIS results pack on the European Year of Skills PDF/HTML/Paper

In her 2022 State of the Union address, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen proclaimed 2023 the European Year of Skills. This thematic year was set to give a fresh impetus to fostering skills that match people’s aspirations but also the changing needs of the labour market in the EU by promoting professional training, reskilling, and upskilling. This results pack showcases the work of 13 research projects funded under Horizon 2020 programme, within the context of the European Year of Skills.

Available in English
(Individual article also available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish on the CORDIS website)

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The European Media Freedom Act PDF

Media freedom, freedom of expression and pluralism

This study examines the proposed European Media Freedom Act. It offers a historical and political overview of EU policies related to media and the broader information society. Further, it delves into the debate surrounding EU competences on media pluralism and freedom. The paper explores the legal foundation of the proposed act, assesses its provisions drawing upon relevant academic literature, policy documents, and empirical data and provides policy recommendations.

Available in English

The future of telework and hybrid work PDF

This report explores potential scenarios on how telework and hybrid work in the EU might have developed by 2035, and the respective impact on employment. How prepared are managers, employees, trade unions, and policymakers for the increased adoption of these work arrangements? How can they secure mutual benefits for both employees and organisations? Applying foresight methodology, the report highlights blind spots and emerging issues, with the aim of supporting policymakers in tackling pivotal concerns related to this work model.

Available in English

Dogs of war PDF

Russia’s corporate warriors in armed conflicts

This brief offers an insightful look into Russia's covert, state-controlled armed groups like the notorious Wagner Group, and their impact on global conflicts from Ukraine to Mozambique. The brief illuminates the blurred lines between formal military bodies and shadow entities, exploring themes of clandestine influence, accountability, and the evolution of warfare.

Available in English

Unaffordable and inadequate housing in Europe PDF

Unaffordable housing is a problem of great concern in the EU and elsewhere. It causes insecurity, financial strain, poor living conditions and may even lead to homelessness. It also discourages young people from leaving their parental home and starting their own families. This report provides an overview of this problem experienced by individuals in the EU and outlines the corresponding policies implemented to address it.

Available in English

European stories PDF

European Union Prize for Literature: authors 2023

European stories is an anthology spotlighting the enriching tapestry of the 2023 European Union Prize for Literature laureates. This collection unveils the captivating world of thirteen emerging authors, sharing excerpts from their celebrated works in original languages and translations in English or French. Whether you're a lover of literature or simply curious about the diverse artistic expressions within Europe, this compilation will offer you a glimpse into the wealth of contemporary European fiction.

Multilingual publication: each story in the original language along with translation in English or French

Our news

A more user-friendly way of publishing the Official Journal of the European Union
Since 1 October 2023, the Publications Office of the EU is publishing each individual legal act as an authentic Official Journal on EUR-Lex. These acts are now even easier to find for EUR-Lex users.

'Act by act’ means that as soon as an act is ready for publication, it is published individually as an authentic act in PDF format. The idea of publishing each Official Journal as a compilation of several acts with a table of content is a legacy from the times of printed publishing, which today is no longer needed.

The new approach marks a substantial stride in modernising the presentation of EU legal acts and caters for the needs of both public and institutional stakeholders. It brings tangible benefits in terms of flexibility, speed of publication and ease of searching. The change facilitates access to legal texts online, making it more intuitive and efficient for all.

You can find more information here.

In March 2023, the Publications Office of the EU and Interoperable Europe hosted the second edition of the European Data Conference on Reference Data Semantics (ENDORSE), focused on multilingual reference data. The ENDORSE 2023 conference proceedings are now online. They offer valuable insights into semantic technologies, interoperability, and the digital transformation of public services. You can find them on the conference website and on EU publications. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the speakers, authors, and members of both the Organising Committee and the Programme Committee who made it possible to organise ENDORSE 2023 and share its presentations, papers, videos and proceedings with you.

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