Publications Office of the EU
November - EU-publikationer
November newsletter

Issue 121

November 2023

ISSN 2315-0017

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Spotlight on the European Digital Single Market

In a rapidly evolving digital age, the European Union aims to foster a thriving digital single market, eliminating barriers in the free flow of data and digital services across its Member States. The recent introduction of the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act is a substantial leap forward. The Digital Services Act outlines the obligations and accountability of intermediaries across the single market to ensure robust user protection. It suggests rules on platform content moderation, advertising, algorithmic processes and risk mitigation, aiming to hold platforms, accountable for their actions and the systemic risks they present. The Digital Markets Act strives to ensure that large online platforms, serving as 'gatekeepers' in digital markets, operate fairly. Both acts are pivotal in creating a safer and more transparent digital space, safeguarding consumers and their fundamental rights.

Overall, the Digital Single Market strategy ̶ initiated by the European Commission in 2015 and building upon earlier foundations such as the e-Commerce directive - addresses the dynamic needs of citizens, businesses and the wider EU economy. It has been projected that a fully functional digital market could bolster the EU's economy by up to €415 billion annually.

For citizens, the strategy promises easier access to digital services and goods across Europe, with enhanced consumer protection and data privacy. Businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, stand to benefit from a level playing field, fostering their growth and expansion. Besides the two mentioned acts, other notable milestones since the inception of the strategy include the end of roaming surcharges, modernised data protection, cross-border portability of online content and the initiative to boost e-commerce by halting unjustified geo-blocking.

The EU's journey towards a unified digital market showcases its proactive engagement with the digital transformation that is redefining the global landscape. It embodies a strategic approach to ensure the wider dissemination of digital dividends for all, aiming for a more inclusive and prosperous Europe.

Our November newsletter shines a spotlight on the European Digital Single Market, along with other interesting topics, from digitalisation in a wider sense to the issue of brain drain. Enjoy the good reads!

The Digital Services Act (DSA) explained PDF

Protecting children and young people online

The Digital Services Act is a set of European rules making sure online platforms and services (such as Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube and others) protect the rights of all users, limit risks, and stop the spread of harmful or illegal content. This leaflet looks at the rules specifically made for the protection of people under the age of 18, in terms of appropriate content, personal data and privacy, targeted advertisement, child-friendly terms and conditions, and online risks.

Available in English

The EU Digital Markets Act PDF

A report from a panel of economic experts

See the transformative potential of the EU's Digital Markets Act through the eyes of economic experts. This report examines thoroughly the act aimed at regulating dominant digital platforms while promoting innovation and consumer choice. In doing so, the report explores topics like gatekeeper platforms, anti-competitive behaviours, and the future of digital advertising.

Available in English

Roaming PDF


The end of roaming surcharges is one of the flagship achievements of the EU that has generated tangible benefits for EU citizens. It is a major step in building an accessible digital society. This report encapsulates citizens' perceptions and mobile usage behaviours across borders, illustrating how this significant stride has contributed to a digitally cohesive landscape.

Available in English

More on this topic

Digital Services Act PDF

Application of the risk management framework to Russian disinformation campaigns

The surge of disinformation campaigns, such as those orchestrated by the Kremlin following the unprovoked and unjustified Russian invasion of Ukraine, poses a threat to the European Union's democratic fabric. This publication unveils how the EU's latest regulatory framework aims to curb such menacing disinformation waves. Delving deep into a data-analysed exploration across major online platforms, it sheds light on safeguarding the EU's democratic integrity amidst the modern-day information warfare.

Available in English

How to fully reap the benefits of the internal market for e-commerce? PDF

New economic opportunities and challenges for digital services 20 years after the adoption of the e-commerce directive

This publication navigates the digital evolution, examining the metamorphosis of online marketplaces and their burgeoning role in the EU's economy. Moreover, it reviews the transformative journey of e-commerce within the EU over the past two decades, highlighting the untapped opportunities and the prospective role of the Digital Services Act in realising this potential.

Available in English

Implementation of the 2018 Geo-blocking Regulation in the digital single market PDF

European implementation assessment

This assessment report offers a critical analysis of how the 2018 Geo-blocking Regulation has paved the way for a more unified digital market, enhancing consumer deals and business opportunities across the EU. The report sheds light on the regulation’s real-world enforcement, its initial impact, and the ongoing dialogue on expanding its scope, particularly in the realm of online copyrighted content.

Available in English

Also out recently

Digitalisation in Europe html

2023 interactive publication

Digital technologies are transforming the world we live and work in. What does the data tell us on how they impact our lives, from making phone calls and shopping to how businesses and public services operate? This interactive publication provides easy to understand official statistics on information and communication technologies and the way people and businesses use them.

Available in English

Going digital means skilling for digital PDF

Using big data to track emerging digital skill needs

Navigating a swift digital transformation, the EU faces soaring demand for digital skills. This policy brief, using analysis of online job adverts, highlights the crucial role of digital acumen in economic growth and global competitiveness. It advocates hastening digital strategy enactment, upskilling the workforce, and modernising education systems to ensure the digital revolution inclusively benefits all citizens.

Available in English

Your digital principles PDF

This leaflet, co-created with children, elucidates the rights and principles every young netizen should be armed with when venturing online. Covering pivotal topics from internet access and digital literacy to artificial intelligence and online privacy, it simplifies complex digital themes for the younger audience and echoes the EU's commitment to foster digital inclusivity and protection for the younger generation.

Available in English

In your language

Europe better together! PDF/Paper

This engaging teaching toolkit is aimed at enlightening pupils aged 10 and over about the European Union. Through stimulating activities and discussions and a character-relatable narrative, it invites the young minds to not only grasp the essence of unity and collaboration but also envision how they could actively partake in shaping the future of Europe.

Available in all official languages of the EU

The state of regions and cities in the European Union PDF

EU annual report 2023

This annual report presents a vivid snapshot of the key challenges confronted by regions and cities across the EU, alongside grassroots solutions that can inspire EU policymaking. It offers insights into how local areas respond to crises, including climate disasters and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Finally, it illustrates how regions and cities are contributing to the long-term societal transformation through the green and digital transition, whilst bolstering cohesion.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Research and innovation

CORDIS results pack on insights into extremism PDF/Paper/HTML

The 12 EU-funded projects featured in this Results Pack provide a comprehensive overview of the latest findings about the impacts and causes of violent radicalisation and extremism in Europe and globally.

Available in English
(Individual article also available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish on the CORDIS website)

Addressing the brain drain crisis PDF

Causes, challenges and strategies at the European level

Brain drain denotes the permanent migration of skilled and talented individuals from their home regions, typically in search of better opportunities and prospects abroad. This issue is pivotal to address, given its detrimental effects on the originating regions and its contribution to regional disparities within the EU. This publication delves into the root causes of brain drain and the challenges it engenders. Moreover, it evaluates ongoing initiatives aimed at reversing this trend, particularly in Eastern and Southern European countries, and proffers recommendations.

Available in English

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The other side of the coin PDF

An analysis of financial and economic crime

This report delves into the pressing and emergent threats associated with financial and economic crime. Presenting insights and case scenarios from Europol’s specialised crime centre, the report scrutinises the threats engendered by money laundering, criminal finances, and corruption, and their evolution in light of technological and geopolitical shifts. It further explores the role of these crimes within the larger framework of international serious and organised crime.

Available in English

Study on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation market PDF

Final report

This report offers an in-depth analysis of how the COVID-19 pandemic has left indelible imprints on the aviation sector, reshaping its operational dynamics. The report not only unveils the pandemic-triggered challenges but also casts light on the sector's adaptive strides towards the EU's ambitious 2050 Climate Neutrality objective.

Available in English

The girl who kept her eyes open PDF

This colourful picture book narrates young Alina's thoughtful interactions with her new classmate Sofia, a refugee from war-torn Ukraine. Through the eyes of a child, it gracefully addresses themes of kindness and awareness, making it a tender, insightful read for young minds.

Available in Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, Hungarian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, and Ukrainian

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The 'Data in Publications' online guide offers authors and publishers practical advice on presenting and publishing data in a user-friendly manner. It also facilitates the reuse of parts of your publications as datasets. Designed as a flexible checklist, this guide encompasses tips, examples, resources, and visual aids that will assist you in making your data and visualizations more accessible and reusable.

Check out the new DataViz Guide and take your data visualisations to the next level. The guide contains information for beginners and advanced users about data file formats, how to clean data, which tools to use, how to design visualisations, and much more.

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