Publications Office of the EU
November - EU-publikationer
Newsletter November 2022

Issue 111

November 2022

ISSN 2315-0017

Spotlight on European energy

2022 was a year of big challenges for the global energy system. People and businesses across Europe are facing the spike of energy prices resulting from the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine and Russia’s weaponisation of fossil fuels. This situation is accelerating the transformation of Europe´s energy system with a double objective: ending the dependence on Russian fossil fuels - a key priority of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU - and tackling the climate crisis.

In May 2022, the Commission presented the REPowerEU plan, projecting energy savings, a diversification to reliable energy partners and an accelerated transition to renewable energy sources. Delivering the REPowerEU objectives requires an investment of EUR 300 billion and creates a unique growth opportunity for EU’s trusted partners, especially in the Global South.

The results of EU action were quickly visible. Over the past few months, the EU has decreased its dependence on Russian gas from 45% to 14%. The EU is prepared for the winter and stands united in its support for Ukraine and against Russia’s aggression.

The November edition of our newsletter brings a selection of EU publications on European energy, along with publications on other interesting topics, from new technologies to new approaches for the classroom.

REPowerEU with clean energy PDF

Renewables can be generated domestically, reducing our need for energy imports and contributing to our climate goals. Therefore, one of the pillars of the REPowerEU plan is the acceleration of clean energy transition. This -factsheet explains how.

Available in all official languages of the EU. Also in Russian and Ukrainian.

EU actions on high energy prices and security of supply PDF

Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine and its weaponisation of gas supplies have caused a sharp rise in energy prices. Despite the significant drop in Russian energy supplies, Europe has managed to find alternative energy supplies and reduced its demand to compensate for the shortfall. The Commission has also taken policy measures to limit overall market volatility and redirect excessive energy sector revenues to citizens and businesses. Find out more in this factsheet.

Available in all official languages of the EU. Also in Russian and Ukrainian.

Between crises and decarbonisation PDF

Realigning EU Climate and Energy Policy for the new ‘state of the world’: policy brief

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 compounded an already difficult policy landscape characterised by rising energy prices, international supply chain disruptions, growing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing geopolitical tensions. This combination of crises ushers in a new ‘state of the world’, where energy security is a much more pressing concern. This policy brief discusses this new state, the emerging policy priorities and the underlying governance required to address them.

Available in English

More on this topic

Trends and projections in Europe 2022 PDF

This report explores the historical trends, most recent progress and projected future paths towards mitigating climate change through reduced greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy gains and improved energy efficiency. It builds on data reported by the 27 EU Member States, Iceland and Norway.

Available in English

Energy prosumers in Europe PDF

Citizen participation in the energy transition

Renewable technologies create new opportunities for citizens to become energy producers themselves and to actively contribute to the energy transition. This type of active participation by citizens is called prosumption and people who actively engage in the energy system are called prosumers — terms that capture the concept that these citizens are both producers and consumers. This report provides a broad overview of this trend. It explains why governments support it, describes different types of prosumption and discusses the associated benefits and drawbacks. It also provides useful background information for the interested citizen and policymaker, as well as case studies to inspire readers.

Available in English

Clean Energy Technology Observatory: Batteries for energy storage in the European Union PDF

Status report on technology development, trends, value chains and markets: 2022

Batteries are needed in the context of the Green Deal and the REPowerEU plan to meet our objective for climate neutrality, reduce dependency on fuel imports and ensure maximum use of renewable electricity. Over 50 million electric vehicles are expected on the EU’s roads by 2030 and, by 2050, the EU’s entire car fleet of 270 million vehicles should be zero-emission (mostly electric). This report examines the technological developments and latest trends on the battery domain.

Available in English

Research and innovation

CORDIS results pack on digitalization of the energy system PDF/Paper

Published to accompany the European Commission’s action plan to support digitalisation of the energy sector, this CORDIS Results Pack explores how EU-funded research projects are paving the way for digital solutions to build a more secure and diversified energy supply, all while improving efficiency and resilience, reducing emissions and providing citizens with innovative energy services.

Available in English
(Individual article also available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish on the CORDIS website)

Also out recently

Forced displacement from and within Ukraine PDF

Profiles, experiences, and aspirations of affected populations

Earlier this year, as a result of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, an unprecedented number of people were forced to flee their homes in search of a safe haven. This report details forced displacement from and within Ukraine, with the aim of providing a clear picture of the situation, from the perspective of the affected populations.

Available in English

Antisemitism PDF/Paper

Overview of antisemitic incidents recorded in the European Union 2011-2021 - annual update

Antisemitic incidents and hate crimes constitute a scourge that violates fundamental rights, the right to human dignity, the right to equality of treatment and the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. The European Union strongly condemns and fights against antisemitism. This report provides an overview of available data on antisemitism as recorded by official and unofficial sources in the EU Member States and in Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Available in English

Stormy times PDF

Nature and humans: cultural courage for change

This report delivers 11 messages for action for and from Europe. Each message points to a specific area of action and represents a pathway for change to achieve the sustainable development goals. Policy recommendations are provided for stakeholders and policymakers who have the power to implement these messages.

Available in English

Jacques Ziller, a European scholar PDF/Paper

This collection of contributions was prepared in honour of Jacques Ziller, Professor of EU Law. In these essays, those who were inspired by Jacques Ziller, or who have worked closely with him over the years, share their reflections and testimonies on issues of comparative and EU (administrative) law.

Available in English

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TechSonar PDF

2022-2023 report

TechSonar is a report on emerging technologies by the European Data Protection Supervisor. It aims to anticipate emerging technology and to help better understand future developments in the technology sector from a data protection perspective. In the 2022-2023 edition you can read about systems to detect fake news, the Metaverse, central bank digital currency and more.

Available in English

The EU engagement in Afghanistan PDF

Insights and emerging lessons

This report focuses on European engagement in Afghanistan, following the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the first ever invocation of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. The report argues that efforts to establish a distinctive European position were hampered by a reluctance, prevalent among European states, to challenge or openly deviate from a US-set agenda. Accordingly, while the EU presence was viewed positively by many Afghans the EU’s ability to exert political or diplomatic influence remained limited. This publication offers further analysis on and lessons from this topic.

Available in English

Our future, beautiful, sustainable, together PDF

ETwinning and the New European Bauhaus

In this publication you will find six outstanding projects that can inspire teachers and education staff to try new classroom activities or teaching methods. All projects have been developed as part of eTwinning, a platform, a community, and a unique framework to develop and try new teaching activities and to collaborate with schools across Europe and participating countries.

Available in Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish. Also in Norwegian.

Access to European Union law

The online library and bookshop of the European Union

Public procurement within the European Union

The official portal for European data

EU-funded research projects and their results

The official directory of the European Union