How does Europol make Europe safer? When was Europol founded? How does Europol decide which crime areas to focus on? The latest edition of Europol in Brief answers these questions and more, and explains how exactly the agency works, who works there and what each of Europol’s five crime centres f...
I artikel 106, stk. 4, litra d), i forordningen om den europæiske grænse- og kystvagt (»forordning (EU) 2019/1896« eller »forordningen«) fastlægges det, at den administrerende direktør hvert år skal udarbejde den konsoliderede årsberetning om agenturets virksomhed og forelægge den for bestyrelse...
The purpose of this report is to provide relevant information in view of the assessment of international protection, including refugee status and subsidiary protection. This report intends to capture a selection of the main issues relevant to international protection in the assessment of claims ...